Monday, October 5, 2015

2016 Candidate Race

For months we have been talking about the upcoming 2016 Presidential race. On the Democratic side the front runner Hillary Clinton isn’t doing so well because of her “un-trustworthiness” and is losing in the polls basically, to an unknown self-proclaimed Socialist…watered down as a Socialist Democrat, as if that makes any difference, with the whispers of a Joe Biden run in the air. This is all conversation worthy, but I’ll leave that for another time. 

On the Republican side are many, some may argue too many, candidates to choose from…all with different views of the direction our nation should go and it seems like on all sides, we are all in agreement that our Nation is on the wrong track…Democrats are willing to embrace Socialism regardless of the historic failures and dangers it necessarily leads to and the Republicans are so tired of the political establishment that they are willing to support candidates with little to no government background.

Now here are some facts that I am curious to know why dedicated democratic supporters are not questioning or exploring and why aren’t you questioning your favorite politician, pundit or political news outlet on reporting on these facts:

So we have a successful business woman who battled and survived Cancer, two “American dream” success stories of two Cuban immigrants sons who are running for the highest office in our Country and one of the greatest rags to riches stories of a boy, raised by a single mother in the projects of a US inner city, faced with a world of violence, drugs, illiteracy & poverty, turns into one of the world’s most brilliant, successful award winning surgeon ... separating Siamese twins, connected at the brain, now running for President of the United States...and did I mention he happens to be black? 

So we have a woman, two first generation Hispanics & an African American, all running for president, but you wouldn't know it by the lack of interest on these 3 issues normally "championed" by the party of equality, tolerance & inclusion. In fact these 4 individuals are demonized for their success rather than praised for the individualized category Democrats are geared towards standing up for and defending, especially during campaign time. Why is that? Although I'm not surprised, it continues to sadden me how out of touch the majority of Americans are with politics. How temperatures will rise because of their convictions to their beliefs yet know little to nothing of our political process, without getting the complete picture of issues that affect our everyday lives, our future & our freedom's. The majority of American knows nothing of the different political parties which make the party they blindly support with conviction & without questions and that goes on BOTH SIDES. 

So why wouldn't the average person question the lack of interest their party has for the historical significance in these Republican presidential candidates? Why in the past was it a huge deal for a woman to run? Why was it such a phenomenon for the then candidate Obama to run and have a possible chance to be the first black president? 

Why isn’t it significant for two Cubans to run for President? Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio are both sons of immigrants who escaped communism. Each became American citizens and made lives for their families in what they believed to be the land of opportunity. Both of these stories echo millions of immigrants who gave all to give their children the life of unlimited opportunities for all with hard work and a vision as well as give hope for millions of others who believe this great Nation has opportunity for them as well. These two stories should be embraced by Democrats as well as those who fight for equal rights for minorities…regardless of their political differences, so why isn’t it? 

Then there is Carly Fiorina, a successful business woman who earned respect in the business world on her own merits as well as battling and surviving Cancer. A strong woman working in a “man’s” business world, earning respect and status, breaking the glass ceiling for women around the world is now running for the highest office in the US and that is no longer a story? What parent would not want to see their little girl strive to achieve the success in life, in a so called man's world and in the face of adversity like Carly Fiorina? This story should be all over the internet by women’s rights movements across this nation regardless of their political differences….so why isn’t it?

And we have one of America's most inspirational rags to riches stories which is so respected and admired, a movie was made to honor his life achievements and struggles to overcome adversities and poverty. It told his story of how he survived life in the inner city ghetto, his struggle with the anger and conflicts that every other kid in those surroundings struggle with...but because of the love, wisdom and example of his single mother who worked rather than be a victim and disciplined her children, consistently & in love...he chose to make decisions that lead him to the path of his American dream. The fact that he is a presidential candidate on the heels of the first mixed race President of the United States should be a hot topic. It should be celebrated in the black community and especially in the projects across the nation. Doctor Ben Carson’s story is a story of angry black kid, raised in the slums of the city by a single black mother turns into a well-respected surgeon, brilliantly separating Siamese twins connected by the brain and now running for President. This should be an inspiration not only to poor black kids, but all kids and it should be embraced by all "activists" fighting for the poor, the minorities and equality.'s not. Why? And why is this not even a conversation? And why are democrat supporters not even questioning it?

Because the Champions of women's rights, illegal immigrants, Minorities & poverty can’t lie about facts, and the facts are that women, Hispanics, blacks, poor, disabled, gays, and equality are not their foot hold and never were. Because they cannot lie about a strong successful woman who has won the battle with cancer and the lie that we want all women to be barefoot, pregnant and submit to their man fall out of the water. Because they cannot say two first generation Cubans are racist and wants all minorities to stay out of our nation and they only see immigrants as working in fields, housekeepers & maids who are only using our school system, our health system, food stamps and getting our social security. And because they cannot continue to preach victimization to the poor black single families or youths in American inner city projects…because Dr. Ben Carson is living proof that there is a different way of holding your head up and succeeding in each individual American Dream! Because the Progressive Liberals in the Democratic party does not want the average American who is un/ill-informed to know their policies are failing and part of the problem. They don’t want you to know there are other ways to lift one another up. They don’t want you to know that placing people in groups is just that…it separates us from one another and is not equality. Because they don’t want you to know they have been lying to you about me and the other men and women of color, sexual preference, age, and abilities because we are registered Republicans because we have more conservative views and believe our Constitution works. Because they need to have you believe government is the answer.

Each of these stories are amazing, a successful woman in a man’s world, beating the odds and beating Cancer, two successful Hispanics of immigrant parents and the rags to riches story of a poor black boy who had a movie about his life…and each one of these stories are full of inspiration, hope and achievable by anyone. So why is it a son of an American activist, who believes in the dreams of his father, raised by his wealthy white grandparents, inspired by known activists who had contempt for our Nation’s foundation, a community organizer with minimal experience at governing as a Senator and difficulty making an up or down “present” (for indecision sake, I would imagine) but how is this a story…not even rags to riches, embraced by America and hell…embraced by the world, and these stories not? I thought that women, immigrant and ethnic success stories are what the Party of tolerance and equality was all about? Or do these things only matter if they are Democrats?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Legalizing Marijuana In California Is Not What Officials Expected?

The League of California has been busy with damage control on California’s decades old Marijuana problem as it continues to increase because of years of failed Progressive policies, by throwing more of their “Progressive” ideas around through more policies that are sure to fail.

While bringing a “A RESOLUTION calling upon the Governor and the Legislature to convene a summit to address the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and public lands throughout California and the increasing problems to public safety related to these activities…” the “League” is basically  admitting “When California voters approved Proposition 215 in 1996 there was little thought given to a wide range of problems which have emerged in association with the increased availability and demand for marijuana….” And now they are imposing more of the same ideas through controlling regulations with Mayors and Council members of 482 cities across CA, because this is where they go for the “Leagues” expertise and council. In other words, the “League” is where Mayor’s, Council members and City Staff of 482 cities in CA are indoctrinated and instructed to increase control over their city’s population through imposed regulations, resolutions and ordinances. 

It’s clear the increased in illegal activities, violence and disruptions are a direct result of failures of past and current policies, but rather focusing on the failed policies and how to get a handle on the increased violence, addictions, arrests, disruptions in neighborhoods and illegal marijuana farming, they ignore their failures by coupling this crisis with another crisis, our current drought. Because this is all about politics and Progressives are champions at “…never letting a serious crisis go to waste” as Rham Emmanuel has so famously echoed his tactics straight from Saul Alinsky’s “Rule’s for Radicals” handbook, the “League” has planted a political end to their means in the minds of local officials in 482 cities in CA on how not to solve the marijuana problem in a city near you, but how to convince their constituents to relinquish more of their freedoms because of the “Global” impact the “marijuana problem” has created.

Throwing emphasis and the majority of tax payer money on “Climate Change” does several things, it creates limitless and creative crisis upon the collective population while dictating Government as the solution through policies and likeminded educated thinkers and qualified politicians. It allows them to control the conversation by focusing on the environmental impact illegal marijuana growing has caused, emphasizing the drought to get public support on water conservation, never talking about their decade failure to fix the marijuana crisis in CA, never talking about their failure to address California’s future droughts by building reserves or the various fines they placed upon the people for not conserving more than their fair share. They will never talk about the money they gave to SF’s field mice or the smelt fish that put hundreds of Mexican immigrants out of work or how that money should have gone to a reservoir or to the police to combat drugs, gangs and protect our cities.

I urge each of you to look at your city ordinance regarding your water shortage contingency plan. Here in Cotati it is recommended that the City adopt Stage 2. “The emergency regulations provide water retailers the ability to fine customers $500.00 per day for violations of the prohibitions. The City’s goal is to educate our customers…” “Section 13.30.090 of the Cotati Municipal Code already provides the City the ability to apply progressive enforcement for violations, up to and including termination of service.”

So on top of the already water conservation aware citizens of Cotati, their support, compliance and sacrifice to do their part for the drought, they are and will get fined and punished for the decades of negligence of our local and state officials, who are paid by the taxpayers, to plan for droughts and reserve water for the people of CA during times like these. We are also mandated to sacrifice even more than we have for the decades of negligence of our officials to properly fund local authorities to nip the marijuana problem in the bud…so to speak as we pay for the crimes of some thugs. 

This is paying your fair share to CA’s Government! It’s not so fair that the majority of the citizenry has to pay for the irresponsible inaction of the Government.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Community Wellness Workshop Report 2011

A Community Wellness Workshop was held on April 6, 2011 at Cotati’s City Hall. De Novo Planning Group, Sonoma County Department of Public Health and Bay Area Air Quality Management District all gave presentations. The Council Chambers was full and it would seem the “Community” Workshop was a success until it became clear that only a handful of citizens were in attendance, while the others were stakeholders, business owners, representatives for the Lung Association, the planning commission and staff.  
Bringing attention to the lack of private citizen presence, I asked the gentleman from De Novo Management District how they were reaching out to the community. How many of you read the flyer that comes inside of you PG&E bill? Well, that is one way they advertised this workshop. 

When Lynn Waldon, Healthy Communities Section Manager, Sonoma County Department of Health Services, Public Health Division made her presentation, I noticed it mirrored the Healthy Eating Active Living (H.E.A.L.) resolution Cotati adopted.  Here are some of the slides she presented that would support the changes that will soon be implemented in the plans for Cotati, but without the spin.
Here is a link to the presentation: 

Slides of obesity trends among U.S. adults from 1985 – 2009 were shown and numbers emphasized so the next slide would get the full impact intended.

It’s true that obesity is a major health issue in our country and the statistics on childhood obesity is heartbreaking and it must be addressed. But are you willing to have Cotati become your Nanny? Our Government was never intended to dictate how we should and should not live our lives and this government worker from Sonoma County Department of Health Services, Public Health Division manipulated these slides to make it seem that we need Government to rid us of obesity. 

  We can see in this slide a quote from Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative.  They believe in and are pushing social engineering.

It was this slide that threw me into what seemed like another dimension. Poverty, stress and racism seem to be the key to all of our nation’s woes. These are not issues in Cotati and why are we talking about fixing them based on “Theory of Change”? 

This is nothing more than propaganda. Yes, we do have unpaved sidewalks and that is to be expected in the more rural parts of Cotati and children are able to ride their bikes on the streets. What about the condition of Old Redwood Hwy and other streets that is in need of repair? The city of Cotati has already spent millions on the Downtown Specific Plan, purposely neglecting the repairs that at some point may become safety issue. 

“It is unreasonable to expect that people will change their behavior easily when so many forces in the…….” There is truth to this in the sense that we are influenced by advertising, but we are responsible for our own lives. Parents, teach your children well. It is our duty as parents, grandparents and friends and neighbors to teach our children by example. This slide is an attack on capitalism and continues in upcoming slides. Our Government continues to blame Coca-Cola, McDonald's, smoking and drinking for health issues and even death, rather than placing responsibility on the individuals. This is what propaganda looks like folks.


 In this slide, nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco used to begin eliminating businesses they feel are not suitable for Cotati. They will begin fining businesses who are selling goods they consider to be “poor or inadequate nutrition” and those who sell “alcohol and tobacco,” all for the good of our “youth.” Need I remind you Downtown Cotati’s main businesses are bars?


 Community gardens are going to be pushed on us while our neighborhood stores and bars will be pushed out for their sales of unhealthy foods, liquor and “unhealthy advertising.” Our convenience stores are an inconvenience to their Downtown Specific Plan.

The absence of buffer separating cars from walkers and poorly maintained sidewalks and roads are unsafe and are being used as talking points for this project, when in reality, the City is neglecting these issues as tools to implement their visions. Our safety is NOT their priority; their Nanny State Downtown Specific Plan is their priority. 

Millions of tax payers’ dollars have already been spent on this plan and is a part of a plan much greater than the one they lay out for us to see…well, those of us who are interested. Below is a slide that was on the presentation that was brought before the Council to sell them on adopting the H.E.A.L. resolution. This is an attack on these businesses. The elimination of these thriving businesses is a huge part of the Government.

Please take a look at this next slide and ask yourselves if our Government has any right to intrude on these areas of our lives?

 Americans are beginning to pay attention to what is happening nationally because it is clear we are a Nation who is in trouble and the issues are now having an effect on the individual. Those who do keep up with the current events of our country are frustrated because they feel helpless and want to do something, but are not sure what it is they can do.  As impossible as it may seem, there continues to be a majority of individuals who do not know or care to know what is happening in our Nation.  What is it that needs to be done to wake them up? 

I see people stepping up and locking arms with others who are aware that this is not about POLITICS. There are Democrats and Republicans who are working on local issues together because they understand what it is that must be done. They realize the magnitude of our National problems and KNOW that we MUST begin right here in our own backyards! 

It is in our local City Halls that resolutions and ordinances are being implemented. Our Mayors and Council members are putting these plans in place at the instruction and encouragement of outside entities, and it is up to each of us to get this information out to our communities. 

Here is where our battles begin. We are fighting for our INDIVIDUAL liberties and freedoms. I know that the resolutions and ordinances that have been passed in Cotati have been passed or will be passed in your city. Go onto your City’s website and begin your education! Don’t wait for someone to do something that you are capable of doing for yourself….for your family. There are individuals who are willing to stand side by side with you and share the information and tools you will need to arm yourselves with the knowledge you need. 

Leave a comment right now….don’t wait another day. We can make a difference.  Let your children see you taking an interest and being active in your communities and lead the way for our future generations.