Monday, August 8, 2011

Pass A Balance Budget Amendment

Sent to President Obama, Senator Boxer, Senator Feinstin and Congresswoman Woolsey:

The time for political games is over. I am not a "Tea Party" individual nor am I to be disrespected or misrepresented. I am (along with those who are associated with the Tea Party) a constituent, an American who is using my right to inform Congress that it is their duty to pass a balanced budget amendment to avoid the mismanagement of the American taxpayers money in the future!

This is in the interest of the American people and in the interest of America, period! I'm asking Congress to use common sense by making sure that fiscal responsibility be a priority and not left for your predecessors to deal with!

Do not go down in history as the ones who refused to keep America credible!

Sent August 8, 2011