Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Legalizing Marijuana In California Is Not What Officials Expected?

The League of California has been busy with damage control on California’s decades old Marijuana problem as it continues to increase because of years of failed Progressive policies, by throwing more of their “Progressive” ideas around through more policies that are sure to fail.

While bringing a “A RESOLUTION calling upon the Governor and the Legislature to convene a summit to address the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and public lands throughout California and the increasing problems to public safety related to these activities…” the “League” is basically  admitting “When California voters approved Proposition 215 in 1996 there was little thought given to a wide range of problems which have emerged in association with the increased availability and demand for marijuana….” And now they are imposing more of the same ideas through controlling regulations with Mayors and Council members of 482 cities across CA, because this is where they go for the “Leagues” expertise and council. In other words, the “League” is where Mayor’s, Council members and City Staff of 482 cities in CA are indoctrinated and instructed to increase control over their city’s population through imposed regulations, resolutions and ordinances. 

It’s clear the increased in illegal activities, violence and disruptions are a direct result of failures of past and current policies, but rather focusing on the failed policies and how to get a handle on the increased violence, addictions, arrests, disruptions in neighborhoods and illegal marijuana farming, they ignore their failures by coupling this crisis with another crisis, our current drought. Because this is all about politics and Progressives are champions at “…never letting a serious crisis go to waste” as Rham Emmanuel has so famously echoed his tactics straight from Saul Alinsky’s “Rule’s for Radicals” handbook, the “League” has planted a political end to their means in the minds of local officials in 482 cities in CA on how not to solve the marijuana problem in a city near you, but how to convince their constituents to relinquish more of their freedoms because of the “Global” impact the “marijuana problem” has created.

Throwing emphasis and the majority of tax payer money on “Climate Change” does several things, it creates limitless and creative crisis upon the collective population while dictating Government as the solution through policies and likeminded educated thinkers and qualified politicians. It allows them to control the conversation by focusing on the environmental impact illegal marijuana growing has caused, emphasizing the drought to get public support on water conservation, never talking about their decade failure to fix the marijuana crisis in CA, never talking about their failure to address California’s future droughts by building reserves or the various fines they placed upon the people for not conserving more than their fair share. They will never talk about the money they gave to SF’s field mice or the smelt fish that put hundreds of Mexican immigrants out of work or how that money should have gone to a reservoir or to the police to combat drugs, gangs and protect our cities.

I urge each of you to look at your city ordinance regarding your water shortage contingency plan. Here in Cotati it is recommended that the City adopt Stage 2. “The emergency regulations provide water retailers the ability to fine customers $500.00 per day for violations of the prohibitions. The City’s goal is to educate our customers…” “Section 13.30.090 of the Cotati Municipal Code already provides the City the ability to apply progressive enforcement for violations, up to and including termination of service.”

So on top of the already water conservation aware citizens of Cotati, their support, compliance and sacrifice to do their part for the drought, they are and will get fined and punished for the decades of negligence of our local and state officials, who are paid by the taxpayers, to plan for droughts and reserve water for the people of CA during times like these. We are also mandated to sacrifice even more than we have for the decades of negligence of our officials to properly fund local authorities to nip the marijuana problem in the bud…so to speak as we pay for the crimes of some thugs. 

This is paying your fair share to CA’s Government! It’s not so fair that the majority of the citizenry has to pay for the irresponsible inaction of the Government.

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